Thursday, August 9, 2012

Colored Hair Care

How to Take Care Your Colored Hair

No one is happy with what I have and it also refers to hair color. Most women tend to dye their hair, choosing a color that is more in line with the tone of your skin or just the one you like. 

But getting and keeping the hair had can be difficult if not cared for as best. Dyed hair loses color, is getting dull, dull.
Women Health & Beauty Tips

An important factor for healthy hair is to choose the right products for the kind you have. If it is stained, you must choose a special shampoo and conditioner to queue to use, best results are obtained. 

These products must be of quality, protection from the sun and the amount of pollutants that exist today.

Wash hair with cold water, hot water mistreated hair dyed, making it brittle and taking away its luster.

It is highly recommended to straighten often, as the plates and tools used also tend to spoil it. Brushing and washing as often as necessary, help the hair always look healthy and alive.


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